Day 9 OF #100Daysofsolarnuggets
Yesterday we looked at Electrical circuits and
we mentioned that there are 2 common types of circuits,
Series circuit and Parallel circuit.
Today, we will be looking at series circuit
while tomorrow we will look at Parallel circuits.
us bear in mind that these two concepts are very crucial to fully understanding
the concept of designing and implementing a successful Solar energy system.
A series circuit is simply a single pathway through which
electricity can flow. All of the components in a series circuit (power source,
wires, and devices) are connected along the same pathway.
The devices are connected
in such a way that where on stops the other begins and this chain continues until
the last component gets connected to the first component.
Series circuit OFF
The switch is open,so electric current does not flow through the circuit.
Series circuit ON.
The switch is closed ,so electric current does not flow through the circuit.
.1) Current is the same at every point in time.
I = Current
2) If there is any single break in the path way, maybe a component
goes faulty, the entire circuit goes off
Series circuit ON,but there is a breakage as indicated by the arrow,
Once there is a single break, in the path way, maybe a faulty device, the entire circuit goes off
.3) There is also voltage drop across every component in the
A voltage drop across a
circuit is simply a reduction in voltage due to increasing resistance as it
passes from one component to another. To put this in perspective, let’s
consider a ball kicked or launched from a distance with a significant force. This
force gives the ball a certain amount of energy. Now imagine that this ball
moving with that energy encounters obstacles on its way, the speed of the ball
is bound to reduce or even cease totally! That is exactly what voltage drop
means just that in this case, resistances can be likened to obstacles on the
path of the ball.